Accra 25-30 April 2009. The SCARDA: Regional Programme Wide Strategies and Learning PSL workshop was organized in two broad parts: (a) the Expert group consultations and harmonisation of program-wide strategies ; (b) the Learning workshop
Step 1 involved meetings by 4 expert groups, namely:
Step 1 involved meetings by 4 expert groups, namely:
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Communications
- Gender & Mentoring
- Change Management
Step 2 were meetings titled “Engagement of SCARDA Implementing Entities,” (ESIE) namely:
- The sub-regional organizations, SROs
- The Lead Service Providers, LSP
- The Focal Institutions, FIs
- Lesson learning at sub-regional level.
Step 3 included the plenary sessions to receive reports of the expert groups, and, harmonize SCARDA programme –wide strategies and action plans for implementation of SCARDA in the future.