The following sub themes will be discussed during the 13th Session:
- Climate Change: Opportunities for enhanced investments and growth of African Agriculture
- Regional Agriculture trade and market systems: Issues and challenges for stimulating economic transformation and growth in Africa
- Investment Financing: Making African Agriculture a viable investment option
- Stimulating participation of the ultra-poor in rural economic activities.
In his address, Mr. Richard Mkandawire, Agriculture Adviser to NEPAD, underscored the need for African countries to develop this important sector in their respective governments, as it will help fight hunger and improve the living standard of Africans. The CAADP DAY is meant to act as a conversation day between African political leaders, farmers, private sector representatives, leaders of think tank institutions, representatives from the diaspora and the development partners. This CAADP Day will afford our leaders, the AU-NEPAD and even the development partners an opportunity to engage each other on progress achieved in the implementation of CAADP since 2003 and also explore the challenges that will delay the process, if not addressed.
More than 200 participants participated including the CEO of NEPAD Dr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, Commissioners from the AU, African Ministers of Agriculture, development partners and farmers organisations.
During the Thematic Session (II): The African non-state sector and the CAADP Agenda, Dr. Monty Jones of FARA presented: The role of academic and research institutions in advancing CAADP: Past and future.
Dr Jones with Madam Hope Mwesigye, Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Republic of Uganda.
See Agenda +the speeches are posted on the AU website: http://www.africa-union.org/
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