Thursday 19 January 2012

FARA Weekly Update

News and Events

  1.     Global Conference on Women in Agriculture. 13 – 15 March, New Delhi

Opportunities for training, scholarship and fellowship

  1.  International Training Program on "Improving Agricultural Productivity and Net Returns among Smallholder Farmers through Efficient Use of Nutrients and Water", Tel Aviv, Israel, May 6-10, 201
  2.   IIRR courses for the first half of 2012
  3.  The Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (LEAP) is seeking applications for fellowship grant opportunities for students from sub-Saharan Africa.  Deadline is February 3, 2012.
  4. Call for Article to a New Agriculturist edition on Extension Approaches.
  5.  Proposal for a paper presentation for the second national Rural Research Workshop (RRW) “Policy and Research in Community Investment” May 24-25, 2012 Ottawa, Ontario.
  6. Call for Applications-- African Climate Change Fellowship Program


1.       FARA- UniBRAIN Project Accountant

2.       FARA-Protocol Assistant

3.       CORAF/WECARD -  WAAPP Programme Officer

4.       Program Director, Agriculture - Winrock International

Call for funding proposals/ job applications

  1.        Research Africa Funding Opportunities - Highlights of the Week - January 2012
  2.        Expression of Interest - International Recruitment Firm search for the recruitment of ED
  3.        Call for communications - CORAF/WECARD 3rd asw-wca & general assembly for 2012

New Resources

  1.       FARA Annual Report 2010