Wednesday 4 January 2012

Inventory of Foresight Thinking in Agriculture

Through the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), an inventory by means of electronic media is now being launched. This inventory aims to identify and record forward-thinking activities that have been developed, in a systematic and documented way, on issues related to agriculture, rural development and farming systems for the next 10-20 years.

  1. This inventory should help identify a) individuals and organizations that are or have recently been engaged in such forward-thinking activities and b) what future scenarios were envisaged. It is open to anyone who has engaged in this type of activity over the past five years. 
  2. The objectives of this inventory are to inform: i) whether and how these activities have helped to change the research and innovation in agriculture and rural development and ii) what the major challenges are for the future.
  3. This inventory will contribute to the operation of the Global Foresight Hub which will enable all those engaged in forward thinking to share experiences, advances, to exchange with others on tools and methods, and to get linked with decision makers (see

Participation in the implementation of this inventory is thus an opportunity to share work, publications and interact with other professionals. Select the link in your preferred language.(English)(French)(Portuguese)(Spanish)(Arabic)(Russian)(Chinese). The survey link is accessible from 07 December 2011 to 15 January 2012.