Sunday 10 May 2009

Overcoming barriers to sharing African knowledge for climate change adaptation

4 May 2009. African experiences, research and innovations that could help vulnerable communities to adapt to climate change are rarely well disseminated across the continent.

The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) has teamed up with Environment and Development in the Third World (ENDA-TM); IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) to launch on 4th May the internet platform AfricaAdapt, a network that will ensure African knowledge on climate change adaptation is effectively gathered and shared.

AfricaAdapt is the first network focused on sharing African knowledge on climate change adaptation. It will offer African researchers, practitioners, local communities and policymakers an innovative combination of services and activities to overcome linguistic and geographical barriers to sharing their adaptation knowledge across the continent.

The network is funded through the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Climate Change Adaptation in Africa programme.

What does AfricaAdapt offer?
AfricaAdapt’s interactive website, face-to-face events, specialised radio broadcasts and support for innovation will facilitate the sharing of new and traditional African knowledge on adaptation. The website will connect users according to their areas of interest and their activities bringing communities of practice together whilst meeting their information needs with tailored products. Members can sign up to updates on projects, themes, and events and receive them through email, newsletters or automatic newsfeeds.

Face-to-face fora, and local radio programmes will be used to reach out to local communities and ensure that their own knowledge and experiences are shared with others working to address climate change impacts in Africa. Media have a key role to play in facilitating the sharing of knowledge on climate change and AfricaAdapt will work with community-based radios and seek opportunities to collaborate with journalists across the region.

Related Video

AfricaAdapt Intro Video (English Version) from HabitatSeven on Vimeo.

Vidéo d'introduction pour AfricaAdapt from HabitatSeven on Vimeo.

Also the UN has plans to launch a similar information platform: Global Climate Change Adaptation network for Africa. See Network to combat climate change impacts on Africa set to be launched

Related video from IFPRI:
Gerald Nelson, Senior Research Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute, discusses agriculture and climate change. Recorded March 30, 2009.