Tuesday, 10 February 2009

2nd CGIAR Senior Management Course

16-31 January 2009. Nairobi Kenya. The 2 weeks workshop was conducted to provide add-on managerial training to senior management staffs of CG centers and associated institutes. This is in response to the need for additional skill to managed changes in agricultural research and development system, which tend more towards collaboration, network and alliance.
The twenty participants at the workshop were drawn from ten CG research centers, the CG secretariat, FARA Ghana, KARI and ICIPE Kenya.

The success of the first course held in Bangkok in 2007, prompted the decision to run three more trainings in Africa, Asia and America. The broad objective of the workshop is to equip the senior managers in the CG and associated institutions with vital complementary managerial skills that are essential for communication, team management, effective collaboration and ultimate delivery of required output. Other specific objectives include.

  • To prompt an understanding of oneself and its effect on managerial style and team performance
  • To inculcate the intricate principles of effective team work.
  • To provide knowledge base on the initiation of collaboration, network and alliance management for desirable research and development outcome.