August 26 – 29, 2009. Accra, Ghana. This event is being hosted for the Africa-U.S. Higher Education Initiative Planning Grant partnerships. The conference provided a forum for these partnerships to present these developing plans. Partners received feedback from each other as well as from stakeholders and donors interested in African higher education development, allowing them to strengthen plans and foster relationships with stakeholders for future support.
Approximately 100 participants contribute to human and institutional capacity building efforts in Africa through higher education partnerships and help improve productive ties between African and U.S. higher education institutions.
In April 2009, 20 partnerships were selected from a pool of nearly 300 highly qualified applications in the Africa-U.S. Higher Education Initiative Planning Grant Competition. Partners were awarded grants of $50,000 each to develop plans that address national and regional development priorities throughout Sub-Saharan Africa and allow for long-term collaboration on capacity building.