FARA has now launched its new bi-monthly FARA e-Bulletin for the months of June-July 2008. This latest issues has as very actual theme: the present food crisis. In the overfow of information of which we are all suffer, this Bulletin tries to filter the most useful resources on the food crisis.
The FARA Secretariat will use from now on MailChimp for the dissemination of its Bulletin. It allows for detailed statistics on the number of bounced mails, the number of recipients who opened their mail, the number of unopened mails, the forwarded opens, the number of clicks on particular « Read more » links (with a detail of the click performance towards the other websites which have been incorporated in the Bulletin), and the email domain performance.
You may wish to inform other agricultural mailing lists and help increase the number of recipients of our Bulletin. Please refer to http://www.fara-africa.org/subscribe/