Dr. Masami YASUNAKA Vice president of JIRCAS
presents the JIRCAS activities in Africa.

Dr. Monty Jones welcomes warmly the opening of the JIRCAS liaison office inside the premises of the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa.
The main tasks of the Liaison Office are as follows:

Establishment of close relationships with the international organizations located in Ghana, such as FARA, FAO Africa Regional Office, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) Ghana Office, International Water Management Institute (IWMI) West Africa Office, to enable efficient collection and distribution of wide-ranging information on the present situation of African agriculture by meeting with them and by having dialogs with them.
- Collection and distribution of the latest information on agricultural research and on the needs for collaborative research by periodic visit to national agricultural research organizations, universities, and governmental organizations in West Africa.
- Communication, coordination of and assistance for research activities of JIRCAS and concerned organizations in West Africa.
- To introduce JIRCAS activities and to collect information by participation in the meetings to held in Africa.
News of the ceremony on the JIRCAS webpage: Establishment of the JIRCAS Liaison Office in Africa