An ACP-S&T supported regional project aimed at building capacity of African University Graduates to foster change through Agricultural Innovations. It is coordinated by the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM). The partners are Egerton University - Kenya, Makerere University - Uganda, Bunda College of the University of Malawi and the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) – Netherlands while the Associate Partners are CTA, FARA, ASARECA and SADC/FARN.
To kick-start the project implementation, an inception planning meeting was held in Entebbe Uganda between 10 - 12 February 2010.
The meeting which was attended by representatives of all partner institutions was meant to chart the detailed implementation plan for the meeting.
The meeting was held parallel to those of two other ACP-S&T project that RUFORUM currently coordinates, namely:
- Shifting from Outreach to Engagement: transforming Universities response to current development trends in agricultural research and training in Eastern, Central and Southern AfricaOUTREACH)
- Poverty reduction and greater food and nutritional security in West Africa, and Eastern and Southern Africa through enhanced conservation and use of neglected and underutilized species (NUS). (BIODIVERSITY)
15/02/2010 RUFORUM meeting proceedings