Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Announcement: Adapting Integrated Energy Farms to Sub-Saharan Africa

June 8 - 10, 2011. Loccum (Germany). afrisolar Strategy Workshop: Green Settlements in Sub-Saharan Africa. Future Land Use and Pathways to Wealth Creation. Co-organiser: International Research Centre for Renewable Energy Germany - IFEED.

Some appealing concepts for fostering rural development imply the systematic exploitation of locally available renewable sources of energy. In this perspective, Integrated Energy Farms, or Integrated Energy Settlements, can be thought of as sustainable power centres, supplying local markets comfortably with electricity and fuels, while at the same time covering their demand for food crops and soft commodities.

By means of a creative dialogue with distinguished experts from Sub-Saharan Africa, the workshop participants will reflect on palpable development options for a few showcase places; and on the respective technical, organizational and economic aspects that need to be integrated.

At a more political level, the workshop strives to agree on first steps towards institutionalizing a strong network of protagonists, pursuing an ambitious scientific, entrepreneurial and political agenda, meant to bring the idea of Integrated Energy Farming down to earth – all over the place – in Sub-Saharan Africa.