February 21 – 23, 2008 Bellagio, Italy.
FARA participated in a High-level consultation that was convened by Jeffrey Sachs’ team. The main objective was to explore the feasibility and possible mechanisms for increased funding for an African Green Revolution.
Professor Jeffrey Sachs in his position as the Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon on MDGs convened the meeting polling 37 participants from a wide range of institutions including AGRA, AU, FARA, Academia, Policy and Donor Community, and Research and Development Agencies.
Reference: Earth Institute Colombia
The Oslo Declaration on the African Green Revolution Secretary General Calls for Uniquely African Green Revolution Cutting World Hunger in HalfNEPAD CCADP Background The Rockefeller Foundation Alliance for a Green Revolution in AfricaThe African Millennium VillagesWorld Bank: World Development Report OverviewAlliance for a Green Revolution in Africa
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