Thursday, 24 July 2008

WFP and the impact of high food prices

Earlier this year, the International Development Committee (IDC), which is a cross-party committee of members of the British parliament, announced that it was going to launch an inquiry into the work of WFP and the impact of high food prices. The IDC has a mandate to look into the work of any humanitarian agency that receives funding from the British government and to pass judgement on whether those funds are being used to the best effect.

WFP cooperated with the committee inquiry, hosting committee members in Ghana, where they visited one of WFP's Humanitarian Response Depots, facilitating a trip to London by the ED who gave public testimony on WFP's behalf, and hosting a committee visit to Rome to meet a number of people at headquarters.

The results were published in the UK on 23/07 and have given a very positive assessment of WFP's work -- particularly in the context of the challenges presented by high food prices. Alongside the general global issues that are addressed, there are sections that address the particular issues that WFP faces in places like Darfur, Zimbabwe, and Somalia - where the committee raises the issue of the lack of naval escorts.

The World Food Programme and Global Food Security. HC 493-I, Tenth Report of Session 2007-08 - Volume I: Report, Together with Formal Minutes . Author: House of Commons - International Development Committee. Publisher: TSO (The Stationery Office)