The draft AAHC Resolution – Day 4 (03 Sept 2009) about an African Horticulture Forum is that:
- Some regional forums already exist, such as the Horticulture Council of Africa (HCA) which gathers 12 countries together, Cop Horti and RadHort
- GlobalHort agreed to facilitate the networking of these forums and strengthen them
- Invitation to join GlobalHort to formulate a proposal for a Co-ordinated Regional Innovation Platforms on Horticulture for Africa
- The constituencies to be involved should cover the following (but not limited to) research and development, policy, private sector, education, civil society and consumer organizations
- NEPAD agreed to give more legitimacy to a forum on horticulture, with regional entities
AAHC Communiqué: Draft Congress Resolutions.
The Global Crop Diversity Trust was invited to this year’s TED Global – ‘where the world’s leading thinkers and doers gather to find inspiration’. The Trust’s Director, Cary Fowler, gave an excellent talk which can be viewed hereunder:
The varieties of wheat, corn and rice we grow today may not thrive in a future threatened by climate change. Cary Fowler takes us inside a vast global seed bank, buried within a frozen mountain in Norway, that stores a diverse group of food-crop for whatever tomorrow may bring.