Wednesday 9 September 2009

Announcement: FP7 Africa Call Information days

18 September. Brussels, Accra. Simultaneous information Days on the EC DG Research Africa call.

The publication of the Africa call from the 7th Research Framework Programme which was released on 31st of July represents a great opportunity for strengthening Africa’s base in research areas addressing the complex issues of Water and Food Security and Better Health for Africa. The DG Research Biotechnologies, Agriculture and Food will hold in Brussels on September 18, 2009 the Africa Call Information Day. FARA will simultaneously organize a Africa Call Information Day in Accra for agricultural research scientists.

Venue: European Commission (Opposite Aquinas Secondary School‐ Cantonments)
Date: 18th September 2009
Hour: 09 ‐ 12 h
Number of participants: 20 (on a first registered basis)
• Opening by Dr. Monty Jones
• Simultaneous video conferencing of pre‐recorded video interview of the opening speech of
Janez Potočnik, EU Commissioner for Science and Research
• Power Point on FP7

The BIO CIRCLE NET is a two year project that aims to reinforce the network of National Contact Points (NCP) for the Seventh Framework programme (FP 7) under Theme 2 “Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology” (FAFB) and extend the network to include National Information Points (NIP) for major Third Country partners in two years.
BIO CIRCLE NET is to increase African participation in FP 7 call for proposals. FP7 is the short name for the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. This is the EU's main instrument for funding research in Europe, which runs from 2007 to 2013. The 4th Call of the FP7 Theme - Food Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology was launched in July 2009 and the deadline for submission of proposals will be January 2010.

CAAST-net is aimed to foster both the sharing and discussion of general information about FP7, opportunities under FP7, and the best conditions for successful participation by African entities in FP7.

PAEPARD is one component of a series of global, European and African programmes focusing on:

  • increased coordination of European and global financial and technical support to ARD in Africa, and
  • the fourth pillar on Agricultural research and technology dissemination and adoption of the NEPAD Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP), supported by the EU and other development partners.
PAEPARD II will nurture partnerships to increase the quantity and quality of joint proposals (leading to more funded initiatives). It will not only focus on FP7, but will include other EC (EDF, EC Budget through the FSTP) and bilateral funding instruments supporting ARD that might be mobilized for emerging ARD partnerships. The Forum for Agricultural Research for Africa (FARA) has been selected as the leader of the implementing consortium, which is composed of partners from Europe and Africa, representative of the key PAEPARD stakeholders.