The grant is to support the first phase of a possible long-term project on biosafety. After completion of their training, the fellows may potentially serve as core network members.
Fellowship Positions: For this collaborative network we are seeking scientists or regulatory personnel with interest in developing a professional career in the areas of biosafety. Four fellowship positions are available in the following areas:
· Food Safety (1)
· Environmental Biosafety (1)
· Socioeconomic considerations (1)
· Legal aspects of biosafety (1)
Contact Details: Interested candidates should send a statement of interest (1-2 pages), Curriculum Vitae (CV) and contact details of three referees to the following addresses:
Network Director, West Africa Biosciences Network (WABNet), c/o CORAF/WECARD, BP 48-CP 18523 Dakar, Senegal; preferably via e-mail to: wabnet@nepadst.org
Closing date for submission of applications: 9th May 2008.
The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and Michigan State University announced 25/02 a $1.5 million grant to MSU from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to bolster Africa’s biosafety expertise.