Dr. Monty Jones shaking hands with
the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry & Food Security of Sierra Leone: Dr. Joseph Sam Sesay
Between 21st -24th April, a FARA delegation visited Sierra Leone with objective to honour the invitation of the Ministry/SLARI to participate in the launching of SLARI (Sierra Leone Agricultural Research Institute) and to discuss potential areas of collaboration between FARA/AGRA and SLARI and the Ministry of Agriculture.
Overviews of both institutions were made to put into context the respective functions and roles of FARA/AGRA and to enable the Ministry of Agriculture and SLARI identify which areas are appropriate for collaboration.
For FARA, the FARA-SRO-NARS relationship was explained. It was stated that FARA operations through the SROs and these operations are based on the principles of subsidiarity, which involves decision making at the lowest level possible. Further that FARA’s niche is to support networking among its stakeholders, hence the creation of the 5 networking support functions through which FARA operates at the Secretariat level.