Wednesday, 28 May 2008

New report on how climate science could be better used for supporting adaption in African agriculture.

The Stockholm Environment Institute has recently published a policy brief and report (March 2008, 52 p.) on how climate science could be better used for supporting adaption in African agriculture.
The policy brief is available online
The full report is available online

Climate change is expected to place considerable additional stress on the biophysical, economic, political and social systems that determine livelihood security in Africa. Accordingly there is a growing need for “anticipatory adaptation”, in other words, proactive rather than reactive management of climate change risk.

Successful anticipatory adaptation requires the best available information concerning the nature of future climate risks: therefore it is vital that climate science is used more effectively in adaptation decision making.

The report makes following recommendations:
  1. Improve access to historical climate data
  2. Strengthen skills for applying climate science
  3. Bridge the gap between information producers and information users
  4. Create ‘platforms’ for collaborative action and information sharing
  5. Build on existing organisations and networks
  6. Develop records of ‘good’ adaptation
  7. Focus aid to better support adaptation