30 November 2008. Maputo, Mozambique. FARA organized a forum on how African agricultural research community is 'collaborating for change'. Speakers shared their perspective on how they are contributing to the positive changes in African ARD. The keynote paper was delivered by Dr. Jones.
FARA invited lead advocates of positive change in African ARD. Discussions were led by an opening presentation by the FARA Secretariat Executive Director on how FARA is collaborating with various stakeholders to catalyze change in African agriculture. The SRO representatives on the other hand, responded by providing insights and comments on the various ARD initiatives and strategies in their regions and Africa in general.

CORAF representative and Board member Paco SEREME
Further interventions were made by international institutions such as the CGIAR, COL and EIARD, as well as regional and global fora, specifically EFARD and GFAR. Regional civil society representatives in particular, farmer organizations and agribusiness sector made pertinent interventions. They gave their perceptions on how these changes if any, can further contribute to increasing their knowledge and capacities. Various agricultural research and development stakeholder groups participated and contributed to the discussions and outcomes.