28-29 October 2008. Brighton, UK. The motivation for this two-day workshop came from the OECD-commissioned Recommendations for a Web-Based Resource to Facilitate Integration of Climate Change Adaptation into Development Planning and Assistance.
Among the concluding recommendations of the above mentioned report the authors stated that “in order to reduce overlaps, redundancies and confusion between the three sites, the managers/institutions responsible for LCA, ALM and WeAdapt should be supported in their efforts to coordinate content and navigation” (p. 28). In the spirit of this recommendation, representatives from each of these web resources, as well as a small number of other active contributors to research and knowledge sharing on climate change adaptation met at the Institute of Development Studies (Brighton, UK) to explore ways of building stronger and more mutually-supportive coordination between their services.
Below is an interview with Mary O'Neill, Communications Officer of the Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CCAA) program www.idrc.ca/ccaa International Development Research Centre (IDRC)