The CGIAR Impact Assessment Focal Point (IAFP) meeting provided an opportunity for FARA to test its research design of the Sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Program (SSA CP) on a wider forum. The meeting was organized by the Standing Panel for Impact Assessment (SPIA) of the CGIAR. The theme of the meeting was “Defining and Refining Good Practice in Ex‐post Impact Assessment”.
Feedback was provided on recently concluded studies which included policy oriented research impact assessment, South Asia impact assessment and strategic guidelines for impact assessment. Centers of the CGIAR made presentations on their ex-post impact assessment studies (epIA). Presentations were also made on the following: gaps in the ex-post impact assessment conducted by the CGIAR; donor demand for epIA and their expectations; impact indicators 3A and 3B in the Performance Measurement System; the SPIA-led Social and Environmental Indicators Study and clarifying the purpose and exploring new approaches in epIA.
The International Workshop on Methodological Innovations in Impact Assessment of Agricultural Researchers featured a total of 30 papers from scientists drawn from all over the world (Asia, Latin America, Brazil, Africa, USA, Australia, Europe and the CGIAR). The papers covered various aspects of impact assessment from methodology to praxis for straight commodity studies, natural resource management, climate change, policy and other social issues.
IAFP meeting agenda