The objectives of the meeting were to examine past efforts at partnerships, peer learning and experience sharing and to explore the causes of success and failure; to develop the capacity of staff in improving the impact of the research being produced by their research institutes and universities, and to examine how this has been done by their peers as well as to facilitate the sharing of knowledge among key research institutes and to discuss ideas on how to strengthen this exchange.
The workshop accommodated about 50 participants from major research institutes, universities, networks and media in Anglophone Africa focusing on agricultural research and policy analysis. The workshop was a two-day interactive learning event that was comprised of knowledge and experience sharing, group discussions and exercises, developing a learning community and other activities so that participants were able to initiate the drafting of their institution's communication strategy.
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The workshop accommodated about 50 participants from major research institutes, universities, networks and media in Anglophone Africa focusing on agricultural research and policy analysis. The workshop was a two-day interactive learning event that was comprised of knowledge and experience sharing, group discussions and exercises, developing a learning community and other activities so that participants were able to initiate the drafting of their institution's communication strategy.
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