Friday, 23 October 2009

Farmers, Literacy and Media: using video for disseminating new technologies among farmers

Here is an example how small videos can be used to disseminate new technologies among farmers:


12 and 13 October. Frankfurt. International LitCam Conference „Literacy and Media“. This year the 4th International LitCam Conference talked about literacy and the importance of the Internet and other electronic means of communications.

During the first conference day, organisations from Nigeria, India, Ireland and Afghanistan presented their projects combining Literacy with media. And there was a panel discussion “Hollywood, Bollywood, Nollywood and the Telenovelas – their impact on literacy”. See: Programme (Download)


LitCam was launched by the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2006, in partnership with the Bundesverband Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung e.V. and the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning. On a national and international level, LitCam provides a platform for organisations involved in literacy campaigns, in basic and media education.

For this, the search engine "Literacy Project" was set up together with Google. The "Literacy Project" supports all those worldwide with an interest in literacy in targeting their search for relevant information.