7 October 2009 in Brussels, Belgium. The BIOCIRCLE project, in collaboration with the European Commission organised an information and brokerage day on the new call for proposals under the 'Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and Biotechnology' theme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).
The objective of the event was to bring together research stakeholders, from both the public and private sectors from the EU and Third countries, together with Commission officers and provided information and ground for discussion and networking within the scope of the Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology Theme.
The event included a general introduction with presentations of the main features and areas addressed by the 2010 call. The event also included a brokerage session, with flash presentations of proposal ideas and pre-arranged bilateral meetings to discuss potential partnerships in FP7 proposals. The event was attended by a large number of delegations from countries outside the European Union (Third Countries).
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