"Decouvrir ce pour quoi nous sommes temporairement sur cette terre..."
"To discover why we are here on earth..."
"It is good to be rich, but even better to be wise"
"Don't let your environment get inside of you. You should influence it, not let it influence you"
"Life without Jesus is meaningless"
"Where you are going is great that it is worth enduring some rough patches along the way"
"Personne ne se suffit a soi-meme, on a toujours besoin des autres"
"One can not suffice to oneself, you always need others"
"One can not suffice to oneself, you always need others"
"Never rush to conclude, because when you take time to dissect an ant you discover its entrails"
"Computer never lies"
"Things will never be again the same after"
"La charitee bien ordonnee commence par soi-meme"
"Well-thought charity starts with onseself"
"Si tu veux savoir qui je suis, si tu veux que je t'enseigne ce que je sais, cesse momentanement d'etre ce que tu es, et oublie ce que tu sais"
"If you want to know who I'm, if you want me to teach you what I know, forget for a moment who you are and what you know"
"As much depends on you, be at peace with all man"
"Alone we go quickly, but together we go far"
"L'important ce n'est pas de tomber, mais de savoir se relever"
"Not falling is important, but how to stand up"
"Work as hard as it takes to achieve your goals, but don't forget to take time off to refresh"
"The way one manages his money, tells a lot about his personality"
"No one person can achieve more than could be achieved in a team"
"Life is ever dynamic and we need dynamic and strategic ideas to address the challenges that come along"
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