Hereunder interviews with "ordinary peasants"
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A shortage of water means that Hastings' cattle are dying. With water from a bore hole, he could not only look after his animals, but also diversify into vegetable production.
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The 36-year-old mother of two is one of thousands living in the Sinazongwe district of Zambia facing food shortages after the annual rains failed.
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Without a proper market, Alice finds it hard to sell her goods and support her children.
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Fremont and Maureen Mangubi live close to Lake Kariba, and are typical of thousands of small-scale growers who watch helplessly as its water bypasses them and goes to a neighbouring town.
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Every morning Bridget Muchimba sets off at 6am to make the first journey of the day to collect her family's water. It is the first of three two-kilometre journeys to the water point each day.
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Although grateful for food aid, Sanders wants seeds that would go on supplying his family with food for years to come.
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Food aid is only a short-term solution, says Esther. Seeds would help her and her family for a long time.
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