Tuesday 9 October 2007

Interview with Dr. Aboubacar TOURE of AGRA

Dr. TOURE explains what the PAS sub programme (Programme Africain pour le systeme semencier) entails inside the AGRA programme.

1. To create a new generation of experts in seed selection. Lagon university was choosen to train youth at PHD level. A number of training centres in other countries are supported at masters level.

2. Improvement of crops which are essential for nutrition: identify potential experts in selection and cultivate improved varieties.

3. Production of improved seeds: poor peasants get access to seeds available in the public and private sector.

4. Better organisation of imput sellers.

Dr. TOURE is personally motivated by the strong vision of PAS.

Profile of Aboubacar TOURE

Aboubacar TOURE is AGRA Program officer for Crop improvement and variety adoption for West Africa (August 15, 2007). He obtainded his Post-doctorat at the Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas US with a study on la Biotechnologie de sorgho. In the same state he completed successfully in 1992 a PhD. in Plant Breeding at the Texas A&M University USA. Before this he acquired in 1985 a DEA about l'Amélioration et développement des végétaux, at the Université d'Orsay Paris XI France. Aboubacar originates from Mali where he studied at the Institut Polytechnique Rural de Katibougou to become an Ingénieur des Sciences Appliquées spécialité Agriculture. His professional experience can be listed as follows: Sélectionneur principal Sorgho-IER, Chef Programme Sorgho; Coordinateur du Réseau Ouest et Centre Afrique de Recherche sur le Sorgho; Coordinateur du Projet INTSORMIL (International Sorghum and Millet) pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest.

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