The purpose is to have a continent-wide knowledge sharing network on climate change adaptation to be developed and led by a Core Group (CG) of institutions, which include those representing Africa’s regions and language groups and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), whose involvement provides a transitional support and management function for the initial phases of network building.
This three year project, informed by a community of practice model, will blend the development of a web and print-based knowledge sharing platform with face-to-face network meetings, with capacity development of the core group and with a set of events designed to build research communication capacity among CCAA research partners. By first improving the competences of the core group, by engaging with Africa’s existing networks and by targeting improved knowledge sharing and research communication among CCAA research projects, the project will influence and engage other boundary partners, particularly ‘at-risk’ groups and policy-makers.

Nairobi, Kenya

Linking Climate Adaptation (LCA) Project
A project investigating the most appropriate frameworks for linking locally determined climate change adaptation upwards to national and international policy. At the centre of the project is the LCA Network, a web and email-based network for all those with an interest in climate adaptation in developing countries to share their relevant experiences and knowledge. The network provides an online discussion space for close to 700 members and has covered discussion topics such as Preparation and Implementation of NAPAs, Climate Change and Disasters and Future Adaptation Policies. It has also coordinated a set of case studies and convened a workshop of African researchers to generate and link research ideas.
LCA Project:
LCA Network:
Community Based Adaptation Exchange(CBA-X)
An online resource initiated by the International Institute for Environment and Development and hosted by IDS to support the exchange of up-to-date information on community based climate adaptation, including definitions, case studies and tools for implementation. The resource is hosted by through ELDIS and the LCA website.
The SPIDER Network (Science and Policy Interfaces for Disaster Risk Reduction)
A network established to re-evaluate the role of science in disaster management. Through a series of meetings and activities six UK-based academic departments from different universities and disciplinary traditions have been exploring the interface between more community centred approaches to DRR and the ways in which traditional hazard-related scientific knowledge is generated. The meetings are generating conference reports documenting the discussions and emerging research questions. The network intends to publish a series of working papers and annotated bibliographies of interdisciplinary DRR related research.
SPIDER Network:
Poverty and Adaptation Seminar Series Network (PASSNET)
This seminar series on pro-poor climate adaptation seeks to develop co-operative partnerships between researchers and development specialists to explore the theoretical and policy challenges related to making climate adaptation work for the poor. By hosting meetings in the UK, Africa and in the wings of the UN Climate Conference, the research network will engage and involve policy-makers, academics, practitioners, and members of industry, while retaining a core community of researchers.
Other Relevant IDS Knowledge Services:
Ø ELDIS Climate Change Adaptation Resource Guide
ELDIS provides an online gateway to thousands of documents, resource guides, country profiles covering all aspects of development, policy, practice and research. Eldis climate change adaptation guide provides a summary of current thinking on climate adaptation issues with access to relevant and up to date resources and publications for researchers, practitioners, and policy formers.
Ø Climate Change on ID21
An online database communicating UK-sourced international development research for policymakers and practitioners worldwide including the latest in climate change and development research.
Ø Livelihoods Connect
An online database for information resources related to sustainable livelihoods.
Ø Siyanda (Gender and CC)
An online database of gender and development materials from across the world including tools, case studies, policy papers and research to support practitioners in implementing gender programmes and in mainstreaming gender equality concerns. The site includes resources on Gender and Climate Change.
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