ICRISAT-Nairobi hosted a 2-day workshop May 22 & 23 in on ‘Defining a strategic agricultural research agenda on post-crisis/post-shock recovery in highly stressed systems’
The objective of the workshop was to identify opportunities for collective action with respect to research that leads to more effective recovery after crises and shocks, especially in countries suffering higher levels of political, social, ecological or economic stress. There were over 30 participants, representing seven CG centers, NARS from five countries, FAO, Red Cross / Red Crescent, NGOs involved in emergency response, and donors.
The workshop was structured around a discussion paper commissioned by the Regional Plan and written by Kate Longley of the Overseas Development Institute on ‘CGIAR Research for Improving the Impact of Relief, Recovery and Rehabilitation’. The paper reviews the ways in which CG centers have been working in disaster and conflict situation, highlighting the substantive research, strategic and organizational issues that emerge.
Note: Kate Longley is based in Nairobi, working under a partnership between ODI and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Specialises in rural livelihoods, agriculture and seed systems, with particular interest in food security and agricultural rehabilitation. Previously a Research Fellow in ODI's Rural Policy and Environment Group.
Upcoming: ‘Drivers of Change’ (Flagship 1) workshop - Nairobi (at ILRI) on June 12 & 13 about how to link up long term research sites in the region to a more synergistic whole, in terms of studying how to deal with said drivers of change.