The thirtieth sessions of the UNFCCC Convention subsidiary bodies - SBSTA and SBI, sixth session of the AWG-LCA and the eighth session of the AWG-KP are taking place from Monday 1 June till Friday 12 June 2009 in Maritim, Bonn.
Events on Monday, 8 June 2009. This event showcased innovative approaches to mixing traditional knowledge and modern tools for local-level climate change adaptation.
Moussa Na Abou Mamouda, ENDA-TM; Binetou Diagne, ENDA-T;
and Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, Indigenous Peoples of Africa Co-ordinating Committee
Xianfu Lu, UNFCCC Secretariat, said adaptation is multi-scalar and multi-temporal, has multiple drivers and stakeholders, and requires decision making under uncertainty. She described the role of knowledge brokers in synthesizing knowledge from indigenous peoples, academics and scientific centers into useful knowledge tools. She highlighted initiatives under the Nairobi Work Programme to enhance decision-making capacity on adaptation.

Participants discussed, inter alia: the potential for radio and Web 2.0 technologies for sharing information about adaptation; the potential for knowledge-sharing networks to threaten the roles of traditional knowledge holders in local communities; the need for knowledge networks to safeguard the intellectual property rights of indigenous peoples; and means to address urgent adaptation needs given slow implementation of NAPAs.
IISD Reporting Services 08/06 A Special Report on Selected Side Events at the UNFCCC SB30