gave his presentation at the Science Forum on June 16th
The 16th and 17th June 2009 saw the first CGIAR Science Forum which took place in Wageningen, the Netherlands. The conference was an opportunity to glimpse the kind of issues and debates that the various stakeholders and partners of the CGIAR are currently grappling with.
The event intended to be the first in an ongoing series of biennial science conferences, sponsored by the CGIAR’s Science Council. The inauguration of this new forum reflects the CGIAR’s ongoing efforts to reinvent itself for a new era in international agricultural research and development.
The event intended to be the first in an ongoing series of biennial science conferences, sponsored by the CGIAR’s Science Council. The inauguration of this new forum reflects the CGIAR’s ongoing efforts to reinvent itself for a new era in international agricultural research and development.

Dr Adewale Adekunle represented FARA at the Science Forum

The FARA posters accepted for presentation at the Science Forum 2009 were created by the following teams:
Adewale Aale Adekunle and Krishna Alluri for “ICT helping scientists engage Innovation citizens in southern Nigeria: A case of ICT reinforced Maize Innovation Cluster in Ago-Are, Oyo State of Nigeria”
Myra Wopereis-Pura, Dady Demby, Francois Stepman, Krishan Bheenick, Kone Anatole, and Jacky Nyagahima for “Connecting people to catalyze African agricultural innovation-Regional Agricultural Information and Learning Systems (RAILS) of the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA)”

RAILS poster: Connecting people to catalyze African agricultural innovation
-Regional Agricultural Information and Learning Systems
- Photos Science Forum 2009 (18 June): Impression of the first day and Impression of the second day .
- World Food Prize 2009 for Gebisa Ejeta (17 June): At Science Forum 2009 it was aanounced that Gebisa Ejeta is the winner of the World Food Prize 2009.
- Keynote presentations Science Forum 2009 uploaded (17 June): Presentations of Kropff, Conway, Clark, Delmer, Wang, Adesina, Aggarwal and Bissell available on the Format and Program page.
- Background Papers and Presentations (12 June): Background papers and several presentations available on the Format and Program page.
- SF09 Program (11 June): Latest updates on the Format and Program page.
- Participants lists (10 June): Find here the draft participants list for Science Forum 2009.
Workshop Speakers (2 June): Names and biographies available on the Format and Program page.