The support of decision making processes based on a thorough understanding of all related processes is mandatory to overcome the pressing problems. Therefore, the aim of this conference was to bring together scientists that may substantially contribute with disciplinary and trans-disciplinary knowledge to develop solutions for consequences of a rapid global change.
See Agenda of the conference:
Session I-1: Climate change in Africa: past, present and future
- Sharon Nicholson Long-term variation, causal factors, and prediction of Sahel rainfall
- Dirk Verschuren Investigating climate-human-ecosystem interaction in tropical Africa: the role of paleodata
- Gulilat Tefera Diro et al. Teleconnections between Ethiopian rains and Equatorial Pacific SST
- Wilfried Pokam Mba Moisture fluxes over Equatorial Central Africa
Session I-2: Climate change in Africa: past, present and future
- Okuku Archibong Ediang Projection, mitigation and adaptation between sea surface temperature analysis from in Situ data at East Mole, Lagos and global warming
- Romaric Ogouwale Indicateurs des changements climatiques dans le Sud et centre du Bénin (Afrique de l’ouest)
- Patrice Boko Contribution à l'étude des tendances thermométriques au sud Bénin
- Heiko Paeth et al. Key factors of climate change in Africa
Session I-3: Climate change in Africa: past, present and future
- Mxolisi Shongwe et al. Projected changes in mean and extreme precipitation in Africa under global warming
- C.J.R. Williams et al. Present-day rainfall variability over southern Africa: regional climate modelling experiments
Abdelaziz Babqiqi et al. High resolution climate change scenarios for Morocco for the 21st century - Kristina Piecha et al. "Method of statistical-dynamical downscaling for precipitation and evapotranspiration at the High Atlas Mountains" Morocco
- Kai Born "Assessment of regional climate changes in the Draa region" Morocco
Session II-1: Integrated water resource management
- Aïcha Abbad L'adaptation au réchauffement climatique: "Acteurs et territoire"
- Claudia Heidecke, Thomas Heckelei Modeling climate change effects on farm income and water use in the middle Drâa river basin, Morocco
- Arnim Kuhn et al. Water pricing options for the middle Drâa river basin Morocco
- Thomas Gaiser et al. Scénarios intégrés pour la planification stratégique des ressources en eau dans le Bassin de l’Ouéme, Morocco
Session IV-1: Impacts of global change in Africa on health: Malaria
- Dr. Samuel Crowther Kofi Tay Entomological survey of Malaria vectors within the Kumasi Metropolitan Area – A case study of three communities: Emena, Atonsu and Akropong
- Sylvester Danuor Investigation of the impacts of climate variability on malaria incidence and prevalence within the Kumasi Metropolitan Area in the Ashanti region of Ghana
- Volker Ermert The impact of climate change on Malaria risk in Africa
- Akinyemi Gabriel Omonijo Biometeorological modeling and temporal analysis of Malaria in transitional humid eco-climatic zone of Nigeria
- Farouk Mazou Doumbani Développement d´un système informatique de la situation en eau potable dans la Haute Vallée de l’Ouémé (SIQeau)
- Moissou Lagnika Qualité bactériologique des eaux de forage dans les ménages de la Haute Vallée d' Ouémé
- Katharina Kreppel The effect of climate on the epidemiology of plague in Madagascar
- Youssoufa Bele Mekou Policy review on the level of attention given to forests for climate change adaptation: some observations from Cameroon
- Sarah D'Haen Wealth increases for Burkinabe households despite climate variability
- Andrew Newsham ‘Making knowledge and making decisions for adaptation: local knowledge and agricultural science in smallholder farming in North-Central Namibia’
- Jones Lewis Arthur Vulnerability, adaptability and mitigation of the context of challenges of climate change: The balance of benefits in traditional and urban paradigms in Ghana
- Torben Mideksa Economic development impact of climate change: The case of Ethiopia
Benjamin Apraku Gyampoh Exploring sustainable community-based adaptation strategies to climate change
Session III-1: Impacts of global change in Africa on livelihood and food security
- Esaie Gandonou Effects of tax exemptions on fertiliser use in Benin
Michael Judex Land use in Central Benin 2025 - Modeling future land use pattern using CLUE-S/XULU - Emma Liwenga Climate change / variability and implications on livelihood strategies in Rungwe, Tanzania
- Riziki Shemdoe Impacts of continuous application of traditional tillage practices on farm field characteristics and crop yield in marginal areas of Central Tanzania

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An Integrated Approach to the Efficient Management of Scarce Water Resources in West Africa
Background of Aim and Configuration of Spatial Decision Support Systems
Modern Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSSs) combine tools and analysis functionalities of DSS, GIS, remote sensing (RS), and numerical models based on expert knowledge. Within IMPETUS a platform independent SDSS-design and -development approach is established by using Geotools (OpenGIS), ArcGIS Engine (ESRI®) and Java. With the computer-based SDSSs, the user is able to visualize and analyze (geo-)data and models based on a question-specific decision tree.