Co-sponsored by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST), and Science Foundations for Livelihoods (Scifode).
Prof Walter Alhassan (FARA) chairing seesion 4
This conference provided a unique opportunity for a cross section of stakeholders to discuss the economic impact and potential of genetically modified (GM) crops in Africa, the current challenges facing biotechnology, and the way forward for policymakers at all levels.
The conference (1) examined existing case studies and other research-based socioeconomic and policy analysis experiences focused on the assessment of GM crops, to draw lessons for the continued and/or potential deployment and use of appropriate GM crops in Africa; and (2) provided a knowledge platform to strengthen the link between research-based socioeconomic and policy analysis, and decision making on biotechnology in Africa. Participants included policymakers, public research center scientists, industry representatives, academics, and international organizations.
Dr. Mark Rosegrant, the director of International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI’s) Environment and Production Technology Division says that in the coming years, growing populations, stagnating agricultural productivity, and increasing climate change will make it even more difficult for Africa to tackleReferences:
poverty, hunger, and malnutrition. He adds that Considerable experience suggests uhat biotechnology can contribute to improved food production and quality in
developing countries. Moreover, crop traits currently in the development pipeline—including drought and heat tolerance—are of particular value to African farmers.
Experts Discuss Regional Cooperation and Way Forward for Biotechnology Policy in Africa IFPRI Media 19 May 2009
Potential Impact of GM Crops for African Farmers
Potential Impact of GM Crops for African Farmers
May 27, 2009 Truth about Trade & Technology -
Biotechnology: Africa's Hope for Food Security and Improved Health
24, 2009 Hindu - Are GM crops the answer to Africa's food crisis?
May 21, 2009 May Le Mali en ligne - Biotechnology debate rages on in Uganda
Biotechnology: Africa's Hope for Food Security and Improved Health
24, 2009 Hindu - Are GM crops the answer to Africa's food crisis?
May 21, 2009 May Le Mali en ligne - Biotechnology debate rages on in Uganda